geopolitics of climate change

 Geopolitics of climate change

Developed nations

Developed nations

Industrially and historically, they are the biggest emitters of CO2. They are also part of the ‘Common But Differentiated Principle’ (CBDP), they need to provide technology access to developers for their economic development in a sustainable manner. 

Developing Nations

developing Countries

These nations are developing economically and technologically, but still, burn fuel inefficiently. Countries such as China, India, Brazil have developed during recent times, and so their contribution to emission levels is also very high. They are also accused of the same. UN Environment Program in 2002 highlighted Asian Brown Cloud (later as Atmospheric Brown Cloud due to shifting patterns), it has many smog-like features. There has been increasing in population, shifts in rainfall patterns, etc.

Specifically, the Green India mission has the following projects:

1. Green Highway Policy – 1,40,000 km long ‘Tree Line’ along both sides of national highways – 1% of the project cost to be earmarked for plantations.

2. Namami Gange – Plantation along rivers

3. Under Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority (CAMPA)-
Their allocation of 6 billion dollars to states.

4. Then there are provisions under REDD-Plus, National Agroforestry Policy (NAP), Joint Forest Management, etc.

5. Under Finance Commission incentives for the creation of carbon sinks – center attaches 7.5% weightage to ‘area under forests’ to the states.

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